No Thank You, Literary Witch.

Keep writing and spread the message of hard work and sincerity.
Keep writing and spread the message of hard work, honesty and sincerity.

 A literary- minded witch gives us a choice: with the flick of the wand. We can become either an obscure novelist whose work will be admired and studied by a select few for decades, or a popular paperback author whose books give pleasure to millions.

We choose NONE! No MAGIC! No short-cuts! No greed! Though literary-minded, the witch will definitely have some form of evil in mind. Absolutely discarded! If writers begin to spread EVIL, where would this world head to? Words have the power to transform a world. We do not need any evil magic wand to gain admiration or popularity. What we desire is a beautiful world abundant with love, peace and harmony.

Whatever we are/will be writing would be the words coming directly from our heart, the hidden truths which we have been trying to explore and understand, and share with millions of people.

Sorry to disappoint you literary witch. 🙂

© 2014 Ahmad and Ahmad

4 thoughts on “No Thank You, Literary Witch.

  1. Thank you for stopping by and reading our article. We all are unique. Only you know better the efforts you take to express your views and spread out to this world. Good Job! Keep writing and let your thoughts and ideas have a free flow. This is how we grow. 🙂


    • Why not! We all like to be heard. We definitely are not writing to walls but human beings! Point is, the Daily Post mentioned ‘a literary-minded witch’! A witch is a woman with evil powers. So we choose NONE! 🙂 Our main motive as writers is not to spread evil even though we have magical powers. What do you say? 🙂


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