The Priceless Gift to Humanity!

Santa whispers……

“The Armour to defeat FEAR” 🙂

make possible

The craze to excel, succeed and secure our survival on this earth has set for us a life full of struggles. Under such circumstances, we need to keep us armored to face every trial that comes our way. Whatever we fear for, has a tendency to take us in its grip. No fear and we are free!

In our day to day life we are surrounded by many fears: most commonly felt are fear of the consequences, fear of embarrassment, fear of being left behind, fear of failure and fear of rejection.

This Christmas, Santa comes to you with this priceless and precious armor that will help you kill fear in your mind and help you to fight away, not only cowardice but also the bad; and shine with the good. 

Santa whispers…

Believe in yourself

Do you have the capacity to recognize those hidden talents and abilities in you?

No. Why?

Because the grass is always green on the other side!

Humans have a tendency to make comparisons because comparisons provide a competitive spirit and act as a stimulus for success. But then, what is success? Success is not the end but a process. Our main motive should not rest in success but in becoming capable. Once we become capable, success will follow us in every sphere of our life. Therefore, instead of wasting time judging others, try to see the hidden genius in you. Spend time learning about the soul in you.

You ask how?

Observe closely how you carry yourself in your day-to-day life. This will assist you in finding out your strengths and weaknesses and help you prepare yourself and practice; which is the second and most important step to defeat fear.

Santa whispers again…

Prepare and Practice

Once you have identified your talents, work on it. Take that effort to sharpen and polish your skills. Try to look for new ideas and ways to improve yourself.

Ever felt that fear of standing in front of a huge crowd for a speech? Or the fear of an examination or fear of appearing for an interview? Everyone has. That is the fear of our expectations not getting fulfilled. Is that the end of life?

We tend to fear because we are not prepared to face it. A significant amount of homework and research would nourish our belief and act as a tonic to help us face the trial ahead of us. Preparation accompanied by perspiration and perseverance will remove fear from the mind. Practice helps a man give excellent performance! Better not to thrive for perfection because that is God’s business. 🙂

And the magic begins when we add that extra ingredient to Self-belief and Practice; and that is Faith!

Merry Christmas !

© 2014 Ahmad and Ahmad

5 thoughts on “The Priceless Gift to Humanity!

  1. Most of the time I do not fear-I was not afraid to give up a lucrative job mid career, when many advised me against it. I was not afraid when my husband was ill and had lost all hope of getting well. But I find that I fear life in the most unexpected of circumstances- I take a stand about something but about half way through, I tend to give up in desperation because often things don’t go my way. For example, at my workplace, I had to do a lot of work which went against my basic principles and ethics. I took a stand against it and hence was ostracised by people I worked with- so much so that I even faced bullying. All this took a toll on my health and my confidence- gradually I started fearing going to work, fearing the thought of what a new day would bring. I cannot label this kind of fear but I do fear and it seems to becoming a habit-I give up too easily when things turn out adversely.
    Taking up writing at a time when I did not have a job- learning writing through several courses and trying my hand at freelance writing- i think I have tried to develop a latent talent of mine.
    Sometimes I think my problems at work were all put there by the creator, so I could develop and grow my talents.

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