

Just one reader, is not what we target;

Sia Positive is the one reader, before millions would get.

Here is a short letter we’d like to write

To Sia Positive, telling her to bring us pride.


Our blog is just six months old,

The Daily Posts and Challenges help realize our goal;

A box full of random thoughts and clicks,

Has managed to catch more than four thousand hits!


Spare some time, take a look,

Because we want to write a book;

Measure the reflections that we give,

Craft the posts before the readers leave.


Make it sound, read it loud,

Help the trio feel very proud;

World never criticizes without a cause,

Oh! Please read our blog, build it worthy of applause.

@ 2015 Ahmad and Ahmad

This post is part of The Daily Post: Audience of One

The Argument


When there is disagreement or difference of opinion, there is controversy; and because there is controversy, change persists. We have seen childhood, youth and adulthood. And now we are experiencing parenthood. Just as our life cycle has been through different phases, so have our thoughts. Here are few of the cases, what we were taught to believe when we were young. What we were taught was not wrong; but they are not right either. At least, this is what we believe today. Our views on the same issues have undergone drastic changes. For good or bad, if you ask; we would say, its not the last! We still have miles to go before we sleep. 🙂

So, here are those issues, that we agree to disagree.

We were taught: Always keep good company.  A man is known by the company he keeps.

We believe: No company is good or bad. A man becomes what he thinks and believes.

We were taught: Read good books and learn from them. They will be your best friends.

We believe: Books are expressions of great people. Read the minds of great people and express what you feel before your life ends.  

We were taught: Never tell a lie, it’s a punishable sin.

We believe: Your intentions matter. Just keep your soul clean.

We were taught: Obey your elders, they know better than you.

We believe: Age is just a number. Follow the wise, even if younger than you.

We were taught: Man is a social being. Follow the rules to lead a smooth life.

We believe: Society is for us, we are not for society. Get out of the comfort zone before you die.

We were taught: Smile a lot and at many people as you meet.

We believe: Smile may be fake. Let your eyes speak as you greet.

We were taught: Never talk to strangers. You never know.

We believe: Learn to believe and trust; the good will always flow.

These were some cases, which we were taught to believe at some point in our life. Today, as knowledgeable persons we try to defend the opposite. And let us tell you, it feels great! It feels like a great development as a human being, as a learner and as a creator of our own destiny and world. Today, we dare to dream and experience reality.

We have seen the good and the bad, and we believe, there is always something good about the bad and something bad about the good. So, the ball is always in your court!

© 2015 Ahmad and Ahmad

This post is in response to The Daily Post:Bone of Contention and Agree to Disagree

Towards Harmony

Sia Positive

This is the Cover Photo of our newly created page in Facebook- “Sia Positive”. You can also find the Link in the widgets on the right of this page. Take a look! We won’t disappoint you for sure! Let our journey begin with you! 🙂

Facebook Page “Sia Positive” is a new Initiative towards Harmony- discover the blend of Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual and Laughter; all in one platform- 🙂

Over the years we’ve almost reached a level, where we have learned to live in a state of harmony with the universe. Both our head and heart work together to create a unique and well-balanced “us”.

We have always been ardent enthusiasts and  the energetic and fun-loving quality in us has assisted us to face the acute realities of life. We are impulsive, free-flowing and exciting and try to keep track of everything. We are spontaneous and never say no to any adventure. Often, we may end up surprising and even shocking people. But that’s just how we are!!

We always remain true and keep hunting for the truth. If something interests us, we will not rest until we have acquired a profound knowledge of that area.

When faced with a problem or a tough decision, we try to break things down and make a sensible choice. We have trained our heart such that we follow our gut when necessary. Though planning and discipline exist in our dictionary, there are instances when we love to throw in a little spontaneity.

An impulsive, but balanced  outlook and approach to life creates the desire in us to not only understand the world, but to also mold it as we see fit. We have come to learn that our life becomes what we make out of it; and this has helped us in our endeavor to understand life from so many wonderful perspectives.

Join us, while we take you on a journey to Harmony- an excellent blend of Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual (not religious) and Laughter.

© 2015 Ahmad and Ahmad